Specifying a Background Color or Image File <bgcolor="#708090"> <body background="001.gif"> Auto-Forwarding The syntax of the meta-tag for autoforwarding is as follows. The meta-tag needs to be within the Header tags. the equivalent is "refresh" and the content has two portions. First, the time, in seconds, and second, the target page to be forwarded to. <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30;URL=index.asp"> </head> Click here for a sample autoforwarding page. Links to Jump to specific Areas of Documents or Between Sections of Different Documents You create the clickable link as follows: <a href="htmlnotes.html#links">HTML Notes</a> HTML Notes. On the target (destination) page, you need an a name link at the section of the page you wish the clickable link to jump to. <a name="links">Useful HTML Webpage Links</a> Using javascript to close a browser window: <a href="javascript:close();><img scr="closewindow.gif" border="0"></a> ![]() The code above shows using an image as a clickable link. You can also use clickable text. <a href="javascript:close();> [Close Window] </a> [Close Window] Have link open a new window <a href="humor.html">Will cause the link to be loaded into a new blank window.</a> Will cause the link to be loaded into a new blank window. Target attributes normally used on web sites using frames in html. target="_self" Will cause the link to be loaded into the same window the link was in. target="_parent" Will cause the link to be loaded into the parent web page of a web site. target="_top" Will cause the link to be loaded into the full body of the current window. Click to add a Favorite in Internet Explorer browser <a href="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite('http://www.kevingoebel.com','KevinGoebel.com');"> Add KevinGoebel.com to your Favorites </a> Add KevinGoebel.com to your Favorites Click to set a new Home page in Internet Explorer browser <a class="chlnk" style="cursor:hand" onClick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('http://www.kevingoebel.com');"> <font color=blue> Set KevinGoebel.com as your homepage </font> </a> Set KevinGoebel.com as your homepage The above line acts as a clickable link in Internet Explorer, but not Netscape or Mozilla. Font colors by name Speaking of font colors, in addition to using the hexidecimal codes to specify font colors (see colortable.html), you can also specify some colors by name in the font tags:
There may be other colors that work, these are just some I found by doing a little searching and experimenting. Some colors will obviously look better on a background other than white. I normally avoid light-colored text on dark backgrounds to avoid printing problems for those who may wish to print out a web page. As a personal preference, I find a lot of white text on a black background difficult to read. Specifying a color by name may not work with all browsers, especially older ones. If you are using a browser that doesn't show colors by name, please e-mail me and let me know the browser name, version number (usually listed under "About" in the browser's "Help" menu) and which operating system your computer is running on (Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, Mac System 8.8, 10, Red Hat, Amiga, etc). Wise-acres using Lynx or some other text-based browser need not write. |