Software Links

e-mail program        
SeaMonkeyA intergrated suite (browser, e-mail, newsgroup reader, irc chat client, html composer)
Firefoxstand-alone web browser
LavaSoftUSAAd Aware removes nasty auto-installing and hidden programs that take your browser to sites you don't want to go.
Radient SoftwareCommNet, a telnet program that handles DOS ANSI very well for BBSes, new version, Secure CommNet 2.3, does SSH
ForteFree Agent, newsgroup reader - will let you wave the dead chicken (inside joke)
Zone AlarmNetwork/Internet firewall software
Gibson ResearchSpinRite data recovery, scroll down to Leak Test firewall testing program, Shields Up - Internet security checkup
Analog Xfree utility software - network, system, online, audio tools
Ping Plottertool that logs traceroutes and graphs them
PuTTYa free Win32 Telnet/SSH client
Goldenweb.Itnice collections of .ico files for your bookmarks/favorites
BelarcAdvisor creates a detailed hardware and software profile of your PC
McAffeeMcAffee Anti-Virus, Firewall Stinger
PacestarEdge Diagrammer - flowchart software, lan diagramming software, 30 day trial
Soft Byte Labsseveral programs including Name Wiz, file renaming program
Aha Softseveral icon utilities, I've tried Articons
Mike LinStart Up Monitor, Start Up Control Panel, other useful utilities
No Nags Softwarelarge site of links to shareware
Games & Entertainment
Id Games Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Quake
DOS GamesGood ol' DOS games, 310 of them including clones of Tetris, Asteroids, Space Invaders, PacMan, etc.
Joke.Wallpaper.ComHumorous wallpapers, start-up screens, screen-avers
Mad Dog SoftwareFlurry - Win version of neat Mac screensaver
Motion Picture screensavera Windows version of the Apple OS X slideshow screensaver
Major Collections
c|net's shareware.comDOS, Windows 3.x-95/98-NT, Mac, UNIX, Novell, Amiga, Atari
c|net's download.comDOS, Windows 3.x-95/98-NT, Mac, Windows CE, Palm Pilot
tucows.comwide range of useful shareware for many platforms
MIT Mac Software Searchscroll down page for list of catagories
apple.comcurrent Apple software
Fetch FTPFile Transfer Protocol software       (version 3.03 no longer available)

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