Palette Man | | html color assistance, set up to 4 colors and text to check for matching/clashing |
VisiBone | | "web safe" colors shown go up a level to buy charts, mousepads, and other "colorful" aids |
Art Today | | 40,000 free images or 750,000 images and 3240 fonts for $29.95 per year |
the Icon Bazaar | | web page icons, backgrounds,and borders |
Gifs Net | | animated gifs |
Cooltext | | online buttons, logos, bullets and graphics generator |
Deadlock Design | | web site promotion |
NCSA | | A Beginner's Guide to HTML |
Willcam Group | | Compact Index of HTML Tags |
HTML Writers Guild | | International organization promoting standards and membership benefits |
Web Pages That Suck | | See poorly designed webpages |
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HTML goodies | | an HTML primer, the basics to advanced topics |
HTML Guru | | fantastic display of advanced techniques | | | campaign to make web pages non-browser-specific |
Bobby | | a tool that analyzes web pages for their accessibility to people with disabilities |
Network Solutions | | Network Solutions - domain name registration |
Web TV beacon page | | run Traceroute and Ping checks |
Gif Wizard | | analyze the graphics on your web site |
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